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Star Wars TV series

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George Lucas plans 'Star Wars' TV series

Wed Oct 17, 7:45 PM ET

LOS ANGELES - The Force may soon be coming to a television near you. George Lucas is planning a live-action television series spinoff of the "Star Wars" film franchise. Lucas told The Los Angeles Times he has "just begun work" on the series, which will not include the films' major characters Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader.

"The Skywalkers aren't in it, and it's about minor characters," Lucas told the Times on Tuesday.

Lucas wouldn't reveal details, but joked that the series would be about "the life of robots."

Lucas, 63, already has another television series in the works. Lucasfilm Animation has been working for months on the computer-animated "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."


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Albus Dumbledore

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YAHOO!!! Star Wars gaat door! I love it!

Alleen twee vragen:

wat is een live action serie?

En komt er dan een computer-animated clone wars, en komen er twee tv series?

Maar ik ga deze serie(s) denk ik wel volgen.

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Live action is met echte acteurs en dus geen tekenfilm. Er is al een wiki pagina met veel meer informatie:


Het staat gepland voor 2009 en ze hebben hoge ambities:

Originally, 100 one hour-long episodes were proposed, but at Celebration Europe in July 2007, producer Rick McCallum explained that it may run up to 400 episodes, and "it’s something that can go on for years and years. One of the ideas is that we’ll have multiple series going on in about two or three year’s time."[3] This supports a description given by Lucas as "one show that will split into four shows, focusing on different characters."[4]


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